Okay! I have wasted my morning for a handful of breakfasts and a lot of cheese!
It didn't start out that way. It started out a simple necessary decision. I need groceries, among other things. I also need test strips that are Walmart brand. I tried to get them delivered but -- that's a whole 'nother story.
So, instead of going to Kroger, I went to Walmart. I could buy some other necessities there as well as some groceries. And if they had any Verizon phones, I could get that.
Off to Walmart I go. Pleasant, easy trip. Not a lot of traffic (church) and beautiful weather, and just a good feeling.
I should know better!
Amelia Walmart did NOT have my test strips. I even asked at the window and got the if-we-have-any-they'd-be-on-the-shelf. There weren't any.
They didn't have the brand of necessities I wanted.
No Verizon phones.
So I went to Walmart, used up my gas, and my time, for no real reason.
Well, I could still get groceries, although Kroger is cheaper and has better selection in most but not all foodstuffs, especially produce.
So I did. Kroger does not have $2 breakfast bowls, so I snatched me up a bunch of them, and Kroger doesn't always have the big box of cheese single, so I bought one of those. And a box of crackers. I wanted some fruit, but Wal-marts selection is bad and they want about twice Kroger's price.
anyway, I got those goodies, went to check out. Cashier asked about my day and I told him not well, but he didn't ask for any details. (He wasn't responsible and couldn't do anything anyway.)
Went out to car; loaded groceries into back seat, and tried to open door and get in, but couldn't. Somehow I must have locked the door. Easy enough to do when you're manipulating purses and canes and keeping an eye on traffic and all that other stuff.
I hobble around to the other side of the car and hit the unlock switch on the other front door which unlocks both. I see the driver side door unlock from the passenger side of the car.
Problem solved. (I wish)
Gimp my way back around and yay, hooray, but strange -- the driver door popped partially open when it was unlocked.
The damn door still wouldn't open!
I pushed it fully shut and tried again.
Nope, no luck. It would open just as much as it had popped, but no more. Well hell.
I figured the door panel must have slipped and been catching on the frame.
So I toddle around the car again, get in the passenger seat, flip the switch a couple times and then use my cane to force the door open.
It opens.
Yay Hooray again.
Back around the car this ridiculous fat old lady goes again -- I got some steps in today, I did. Yes,, the door panel was kind of loose and needed adjusting. Congrats on your clever diagnosis, fatso gimp (I'm starting to feel it by now).
I take care of that, seat myself, put my seat belt on, and the key in the ignition. (So I won't put it down and lose it -- I'm beginning to lose my faith in the Day.)
I close the door!
It goes KLONK and bounces back open!
Does it two or three more times.
It's not the inner panel. I can see that when I look, and the KLONK has a different sound than the padded panel should make. It's metallic!
the little hook thing that's supposed to latch on the door isn't moving. I can't exactly examine it or work on it there in the parking lot, but -- Heavy sigh -- oh well, I have a bungee cord, so I can hook it up somehow to hold the door until I get home.
Except that there is nothing in the car to attach it to!
Nothing on the door to attach it to, except for the rigging holding my window up. Well thank god there's that. Strange thing to be thankful for, but all things happen for a reason, right?
Except that there is still nothing IN THE CAR to attach the other end to. Did think about using my seat, but that was a no-go as a plan. I couldn't pull it hard enough, and if it was that hard to pull, could I trust it not to pull loose? As in either pull the seat out, or snap me in the back or head or something?
I guess i won't go to Kroger today.
Now if I can just get home.
Nope, nothing to hold it shut.
Guess I'll have to hold it myself. Yeah, like that's going to work.
I attach one end of the bungee to the strapping on the window, and run the other end up around the place holding the visor to the car, and just hold on to the other end of it.
All the way home.
I made it home, and here I sit, cussing and fussing, eating my breakfast and thin king of grilled cheese for dinner.
I'd really like to bang my head into the walls, kick a few rocks around, and maybe cry myself back to sleep.
I might do that.
When I calm down.
so, how is your day going? Please let me be happy for you
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