The situation with this coronavirus (COVID-19) changes every day. If there isn't always new news, there are always new rumors.
2 days ago , gastric symptoms were added to the cases of the infection.
1 day ago, it was suggested that pinkeye (conjunctivitis) may be becoming yet another manifestation of this illness.
There have been rumors from the beginning about pets (dogs especially) having and spreading the virus. People have been dumping and abandoning their dogs in record numbers, (shame on them) although there has been, as yet, no proof of truth to this rumor.
I did see one item about the first case diagnosed in a dog. It was a reputable source, but it was one source only. No confirmation, no accreditation, and no spread of information. I am also unable now to find the original article, so it may have been pulled.
It's easy, and possibly optimistic, to think these reports are being inflated by the politicians and spread by the mindless media. Every time it starts to look as if we're getting a handle on this thing -- some kind of control -- here they come with another wave of hysteria and histrionics.
But let's take a minute.
Let's think a minute.
What if this rapid mutation and constant adaptation is what first had the specialists watching it so closely to start with?
What if the viral infectious disease as first noticed was never the reason or the problem?
What if it was the mutability?
What if it was the adaptation?
What if it's been the possibility of it becoming that is what the WHO (World Health Organization) first noticed, and they alerted the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and just said "Watch this. Look what it is doing."?
What if those organizations said the same to the governments they answer to, and said governments said "Meh. It's another flu."
And the WHO and CDC are saying, but look, watch out, and no one would do that?
This virus has already crossed species.
If the unsubstantiated dog story was true, or the rumors, then it has once again crossed species.
This virus already accelerated (mutated) from an upper respiratory infection into a pneumonia.
This virus has adapted from the respiratory system to the digestive system.
This virus is destroying senses. Loss of taste and smell are becoming more common reports. Not a big deal, on its own. Those senses are affected by colds, so maybe it's been there all along.
Or maybe not.
Now the theory exists that the eyes may be affected by yet another adaptation.
Is that a move into the central nervous system?
Could it be a move into the brain itself?
One thing is for certain. This particular coronavirus is a survivor. It's doing everything to keep itself alive and reproducing.
And that is why we are having to both observe and avoid it.
And let us hope we have a reasonable population that can out-mutate it.
We will survive.
But there may be many who do not adapt to this before it adapts to us.