Sunday, February 13, 2011

spring in the air

I keep searching for the signs. First robin, no. First green shoots, no. First green grass, no. But there are less tangible signs, seen everywhere in the neighborhood. People are moving. People are buying new furniture and throwing out the old. They stay at home birds are greeting the dawn with friendly chatter. One can almost hear them saying, "Well, Sunshine, when are you going to stay awhile? We've been missing you all this time." The skunks are out and about, seeking their Awakening. Men are looking over their lawn mowers.

It always amazes and amuses me that one of the first invisible signs of spring is men talking about their mowers. Day after day, they've been talking about shoveling, heating, ice, and one day at the lunch break, they all start talking about their lawn mowers. In my experience, it's been as if someone flipped a switch. Winter talk is over -- let's go on to better things.

It will still snow, freeze, blow ice, be cold. They'll still complain about all that work, but immediately change the subject back to the mowers.

Women do the same thing, to a lesser degree. They talk, in public settings, about flowers. In more private conversations, the discussions are about vegetables.

Long before the snow has melted, before the ground has thawed, before any signs appear -- men are mowing the grass, women planting, and let's not forget the skunks scenting the air.

Yes, Spring is on the way.

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