Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sandals hurt

Last summer, there was article after article about how wearing sandals hurt your feet, or are bad for your feet. (Yes, just like they keep saying about high heels.) The articles had a lot of bullcrap explanations for why this is so.

Yes, bullcrap. Sandals are not bad for our feet because they lack support -- we were created to walk barefoot upon the earth. Where's there support in bare feet? Sandals are not causing back injury because they make us walk without support. Support for walking is usually a cane or a crutch, although more and more injuries are requiring a 'walking boot' device. (Which might not be needed so often if the patients had ever walked barefoot and let their muscles support them.)

Not one article even suggested what I think is the true cause of sandals causing problems. Not one.

It is the way the sandals are made. No, I take that back. It is the material used in making them. That awful rubber stuff. I don't know what it is, or how it's made. Sometimes it looks to have been rolled out in sheets and cut off to conform to the feet-shapes. Other times it looks extruded or injected between layers of materials.

I don't know if this rubber-stuff is used to make materials last longer, or of there's a delusion of support, or exactly why it's being used. In every pair of sandals designed or created for the last several years.

What I do know is that when I wear sandals with this material, it hurts me. Walking on this bouncy stuff throws my back out, splays my hips (that's how it feels), ties my thighs in knots, and cramps my calves. And that's before I get to the car!

Every time.
Every pair.

The sad thing is, I can't find any sandals that do NOT have this filling. Occasionally I'll run across a pair of huaraches that are made of natural materials, but they are usually beyond my budget.

Let's not blame the sandals for our pain. We could blame ourselves, I suppose, but the real blame belongs to the makers. And to doctors who want to blame us instead of doing what it takes to find the real cause.

Let's walk away from summer sandal pain.

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