Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bull about bullying

It's wonderful (?) to see the advertising about stopping bullying. It really is.
It's just too damned bad none of them offer any advice worth the breath
Every one of them starts -- and usually ends -- with the words "Tell an adult"

Ha! Haha! Hahaha! Fill this page with a maniacal (as in maniac) laugh.

If telling an adult was a solution, bullying would have been stomped out a long time ago.

Adults want proof, and witnesses. Most bullying happens away from witnesses, on purpose.

Adults, especially within the school system, don't believe beat-up and defeated kids. They just don't. You have to be 'famous' or pretty or well-dressed to have any credibility in the eyes of the authority. And if you are the big star or the beautiful one, you could not possibly be the one doing the bullying.No athlete has ever thrown someone into the wall, no pretty girl with pretty clothes has ever dumped the books of the smart ones that are ordinary looking.

The anti-bullying campaign is a good thing. I'm not arguing with that. But there need to be new solutions.The current 'solutions' are what has allowed bullying to become as out of control as it is.

Tell an adult, yes. But tell an adult from somewhere else. If you are being bullied at Red School, go talk to someone at Green School. And then Blue School. You'll get the same no

"no proof, no witness" speeches, but an outside source is more likely to write a report, or make a phone call in a professional capacity. No pats on the shoulder and instant dismissal of the very notion.

And cyber-bullying? Well, if no excuses, no tolerance became the standard -- if ALL our children were held accountable for ALL their behavior -- if there were CONSEQUENCES -- there'd  be a lot less of that.

Parents and principals -- quit making excuses.
You are the guilty ones; you are too blame. Children are children, or at last start out that way. It is you who create the monsters by closing your eyes.

It is NOT the victims' job to prevent the crime. 

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