Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blame in Boston

Yesterday, someone or someones blew up the finish line at the Boston Marathon. People were hurt -- a former political in from Ohio was quoted as talking about arms and legs falling everywhere. An eight year old child was killed. The death count is probably not yet final, as the injured try to recover and some may not be able to withstand the shock.

Someone seems to have thought it would fun to blow up a garbage can. Maybe. At this time, that's the most consistent story I've heard of the actual bomb. I don't know if it's true.

I'm ashamed, though, of the immediate reaction of too many fellow Americans. The first impulse of those. The first thought of too many of us who could not be there "doing" is to decide which foreigners they should blame. Which Arabs.

Now, it is possible that this was Middle-eastern based. It seems unlikely to me. None of them have stepped up to brag about it. Of course, it's possible they feel it was a failure, as only three died, and there are talks of five or twelve other bombs planted everywhere around the city -- and a fire in a library that was NOT involved.

Let's not place blame until there's been time to look around.. Let the healing begin, let the families regroup, let the experts take a look before we even think of who we can blame. Let's have cause.

I do wish the media would back off. At this point, they are only spreading hysteria and possibly misinformation.
"new information" was just headlined, but the new information is yet another runner talking about he was just running long and heard an explosion and saw smoke. Umm-- sorry. The first thing known was there was an explosion and smoke. A new mouthpiece is not new information. Let's not confuse the two.

The Boston Marathon is a race. A race where endurance and completion of equal importance to winning, being first.
Let's use that objective and have that goal, in finding the perpetrators and punishing them. The first -- runner,or  thought is not always the finest

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