Thursday, January 6, 2022

What Will It Take? (Vaxxing, pt 4.)

 Let me answer the obvious first. 

There are those who will not be convinced, persuaded, reasoned with, ordered, bullied, or otherwise even try to become vaccinated. Not against covid, not against flu, not against shingles, measles, mumps, diphtheria, rubella, polio, tetanus, or anything else. 

They have already decided.

They have already made up their minds.

They know all there is to know about it, no matter what variations come along and no matter what new discoveries, or prognoses come along. 

They have made up their decision. 

This is not for or about them. There are many people out there still studying, still wishing, still wanting to, but...

This is to give them a voice, however small.

One of the biggest changes in administration of the covid vaccine is that now the more at risk people are being encouraged to go for it. After time has shown a good 'protection' record -- not necessarily prevention -- and that the vaccine itself poses less -- but not zero -- risk of contracting the illness, it's been decided by medical professionals that the risk is on the side of vaccines. 

There are always risks. People -- persons -- are individual and react individually. DNA and environment and nutritional and attitude all combine to make the reaction to heal or to hell. 


There never have been. 


What is stopping those that want to, but?

Here are a few answers.

The vaccines are usually mostly available in high traffic areas. Usually in or around pharmacies or hospital/clinics where sick people gather. 

Even with an appointment, you have to wait. 

In crowds.

Of sick people.

This is not a good idea for anyone who is even partially at risk for contagion.

Another problem is that there are no clear protocols for how/when/where to go once you reach the facility. 

In the pharmacy, do you go to sign in at the drop-off for prescriptions, at the pick-up for prescriptions, in the waiting area with no window? Or somewhere else entirely? And remember that each of these areas will probably be filled with coughing, sneezing, feverish, sweating, people who don't want to be there either.

In a facility, do you go to admitting, or through an ER or Urgent Care, or maybe straight to the lab? Do you, as a patient, know where any or all of these areas are? 

Why do the signs say "Walk-ins welcome. Make an appointment first."?

Are the hours posted clearly? 

Is there anyone working that specific area during the posted hours? Or are the 'preventive' people  having to mingle with the contagious ones?

Why is everyone saying  free with no insurance necessary, and the next line reads, bring your insurance cards?

At this point, especially with the alphabetically named surges shoving each other out of the way, it seems/feels/is more endangering to go out in search of the vaccine than it is to stay home, mask, sanitize, and ding-dong-ditch deliveries.

After nearly two years, and now that out efforts have turned to the more at-risk persons, can we not have some logical organization that applies to everyone? If only signs at each establishment specifying each step needed. 

Not sign-in at pharmacy.  Sign in at row b line 3. 

Not go straight to lab with orders; only to be worked-in in-between patients who do have orders. 

These things were done better at first, but the organizations seem to have fallen away as we are getting down to the people who need it the most.

Let's fix this, so that everyone who WANTS to, CAN DO.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Christmas Calm

 This is my Christmas tree. Today is January 4. The tree has been up since the day after Thanksgiving. As usual.

As you can see, there are gifts waiting, for my sisters and mostly for my grandkids. 

I like looking at these gifts, ready and waiting for the children.

There are no spectacular gifts this year; at least I don't think so. They had no burning desires for anything special, except Warren wanted a real robot. I left that to Santa.

These are gifts that say "I love you." and maybe even "the silliest things make me think of you." Special for no other reason than that.

I had an opportunity to take their gifts to them on Christmas Eve, but they weren't wrapped. And they would be on Christmas break from their schools. Surely we'd somehow get together in that time.

But it did not happen. 

Life got in the way, with all its complications and contradictions. Illness, wellness, work, cars, the current pandemic. (Current for nearly two years now. That's a long time for a "right now" event, don't you think?) All sorts of stuff; the 'stuff' of daily living. 

Life got in the way.

Once upon a time, this would have infuriated me, or insulted me, or any of many intense negative emotional reactions. 

But I'm not mad.

They'll get them sometime.

When life allows.

In the meantime, I can look at the gifts and be pleased that I have gifts for them. There have been times -- many, many times -- when that couldn't didn't happen. 

I can wait for the giving. 

I can wait for the children.

I can wait for life to return to normal, or something approaching that.

Life will never be normal again.

Too much has changed.

But love doesn't.

The joy of giving doesn't.

That is the normal I can wait for.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Vaxxing, part 3

 I have written about the rights involved in the considerations about masking and vaxxing. 

That is ALL I have been writing about, although side issues have been mentioned.

I've been talking about "rights." That is all

There are issues aside from the right to say yes or no, and living with the consequences thereof. 

Vaccines are a good thing. Even new experimental untested vaccines have a useful purpose. How else can they be tested? And is knowingly getting a vaccine that may not work, or even may make you ill. any worse than going about unprotected world where you may unknowingly catch the illness? 

These are the decisions each individual makes for themselves. Do not make decisions without consideration of consequences. There are a few people, specifically men, who never had mumps, but refused the vaccine when it was developed because it was a 'kids' disease' and they were no longer children. They later came to regret that decision. 

There are always consequences. 

Do not say "No" to a life-saving treatment just because you have the right to say "No." Just because you can is the worst reason in the world to not adopt a behavior or take an action. 

Do not consider just your self and your desires . Consider your situation and your lifestyle. Weigh your risks. What of your family, your friends, your co-workers? How could (not will) your decision on this matter affect them? How will (or could) your action or inaction impact them? 

Try to imagine the extreme results from both or all choices, not just the ones you prefer. 

Separate your "Rights" from their needs. 

Decide what's best.

Let me reword that. 

Make the best decision you can with the information available. 

What you do is up to you.

What you do to others is not. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Masking and Vaxing: part two

 I've had a problem getting this written, as it seems like there's something more, or new (is it?) every day. I do like to be up to date  with my posts, even when they are rapidly outdated by the next new thing to come about. 

But, my main topic was and is about the issue of people's rights. There has been no major change on that front. Some places are refusing to demand them, some places are only demanding proof, and the politicians are squawking and seesawing on the topic. 

That means, to me, that I can safely offer my opinion and give my reasons why. 

I don't think any of my readers are advocates of violence against fat old ladies with bum legs sitting in their hermitage.

Sure hope not.

I said previously that masking is not a civil rights issue. It is an on/off or yes/no situation wherein each person has the right to decide their level of participation. As with all such issues, there are consequences to the choices made, either way. 

I do NOT think the same way about the vaccines.

I do not think anyone should be forced to be vaccinated. 

That is, no one who can think for themselves. And the caretakers of babies, children, and anyone mentally impaired should study and think long and hard over what they will have done to another person. Weigh the risks. Weigh the likelihoods. Weigh the evidence.

Deciding for another person is a weighty matter. In my opinion, even moreso than for yourself. 

I do not think vaccines should be mandated. 

Doing so is a violation of the right to bodily autonomy.

It is forcing a foreign substance known to be rooted in a harmful medium. 

In almost all other ways, this is not allowed

Rape is the most obvious form of "sharing" outside elements by forcing them into another body. And our understanding of rape has been growing, so that we are more aware of the wrongness of this action.

From low level battery to high definition assault, no one is allowed to put things in someone else's body without their consent.

From ancient slavery to current human trafficking and the selling of children, no one is allowed to put others in a situation where they must let others put things in their bodies without their consent. 

Sick people who spit or knowingly force their foreign matter into someone else's body have been, are being charged with attempted murder.

Society -- and governments -- know that these are wrongs. 

They would still be wrongs if the parents were selling their children.

They would still be wrongs if the parents were renting out their daughters.

They would still be wrongs if the batterer or murderer says "She's MY wife." (Or boyfriend, or ex, or my best friend from kindergarten.) 

It is a violation of their right to their own body.


Now, I do not mean to say the vaccines are a bad thing. 

I don't mean to say that they are or aren't nonsense, or that they are a conspiracy, or that they are unnecessary. 

I'm not saying the science is bad, or wrong, either.

I'm saying that I (every individual) have the right to decide what goes in my body.

And when, and where, and how, and, most lately, how often. 

That is my right, and no one else's.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Masking and Vaxing: Part One.

 The big topic for the last several months has been the "rights" of individuals during a health crisis. The basic issues do not depend on how real or how novelized said health crisis is. 


A public health measure, and one with a tradition of effectiveness. It is a step towards normality after a period of quarantine, and it is simple.

Cover your nose and mouth. 

Yes, it gets hard to breathe, and yes, it can fog up your eyeglasses, or mess up  a fancy haircut. 

Well, when you are dead, you are NOT breathing, and your glasses may fog, but you will not be affected by this. 

Your fancy hairdo, however, may enhance your final appearance in this life and those losing you can remember how beautiful you were the last time they saw you. Before the worms or the warmth take you away forever.

One hopes they will use that  memory to forget the one of choking, gasping, crying in pain, or with an exhaust pipe stuck into your chest through your mouth.

That is, of course, if what kills you is the Terrible Disease. Which it most likely will not be. You may never ever even get a symptom of it. (Which does not mean you habe never had it; many peopel don't have synptoms.)

Still, why take a chance when there's such a basic, simple, non-invasive precaution that can be taken?

There are solutions to the problems, for most people. 

Have you ever wondered why the plague masks of doctors have long bird beaks? Or have you blindly believed the so-called experts who say it was to put herbs and concoctions in so that they wouldn't get sick? (And why is this mocked, when so many of our modern medicines began as herbal remedies?)


The plague masks with the bird beaks, even without herbs and concoctions, allow the air room to circulate. You do not immediately breathe in what you just breathed out. 

Many people who dressed as plague doctors last Halloween kept and used their masks, and developers, retailers, inventors, and marketers all took notice.

They created other forms of masks, that had pouches for air circulation. 

They made something called a turtle which looks ridiculously like a dog muzzle, but has the same effect as the pouch or beak. It holds the mask away from the nose and mouth but they remain covered. It gives the air room to move.

Some say that mask mandates are a violation of their civil rights. There are a lot of arguments to this claim, including one man busting a hole in his one cabin so the very full (of passengers) boat fills with seawater. It was his room, he said, and he paid for it, and therefore it is his right to do whatever he wants in his PRIVATE SPACE. 

Remind me never to rent a property to this guy, if he survives this exercise of his personal rights.


The purpose of public health officials and the reason for their existence is to protect the general public when it comes to health matters. 

It is their job.

If they were not doing their job, these same rights proponents would be complaining just as loudly and be twice as upset if they were not doing their job. 

That is, if they arent too dead or sick to be concerned about their rights while they are saying their good-byes -- long distance and through a cold hard screen. No hugs, although many tears. no one last touch, no stroke of the fingers along the arm, no last brush of lips and breath of breath.

No hand to hold on as the Great Mystery is about to unfold itself.

We mostly know that we go alone, but we've thought there would be a friendly hand holding ours as we move beyond, or a familiar voice lingering in our ears as sounds from here-and-now fade. 

Wear your masks. Get fancy, get plain, put a muzzle on underneath or wear a bird beak. 

Yes, it's awkward.

Yes, it looks stupid.

Yes, it's inconvenient.

But it doesn't hurt. 

It really isn't expensive. 

In most cases, it doesn't make you sick. 

And you may never know how many people it may keep alive and well.

Your friend has a civil right to live in minimal safety.

It is the job of government and public health to offer everyone -- you included -- that chance.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

I am.

 This day has been one of the odder ones. 

I don't really know if I can explain

For over a year, I am often feeling like I am living in a kind of dream. It's not a developing dream. No stories are being forwarded. No messages are being received. No learning is occurring. 

I can't even really say that I feel as if I'm waiting. Because I don't. 

I just feel as if I'm here, and that's it.

I feel every bit the blob of jelly that I look like and often think I am becoming as my body gives out on me; one limb or one system at a time. I don't -- I can't repeat this enough-- i do NOT feel as if I'm waiting for a "system collapse." 

I'm just here.

I just am.

Yesterday, I was good. I even managed to do some active weeding and replanting in my flower beds. I didn't get it all done, but I got more done than just chopping the weeds (grass) out of the open spaces between plants.

Yesterday was my mother's birthday, but as a family we largely ignored that fact. Patrick Stewart got a lot of well-wishes, though. And Cheech Marin. Really, I was glad that I wasn't having any of those brain blip conversations with her. Until recalling her birthday I hadn't realized that those were happening less often. And that I was glad of that. 

And this morning I had to ice my knee before it would bend. 

And it hurts. A lot. About a 7 on their pain scale.

I had things to do. I needed a trip to the store, and a trip to the laundromat. 

Yeah, lugging stuff in and out of the car and shopping on a painful, reluctantly bending knee. Great start to the day.

My friend posted a notice about a sister-in-law going into hospice. It's barely been 10 days since they buried a brother. (Not the same one.)

I couldn't seem to catch my sisters online. They probably went somewhere and were doing something fun, that I wouldn't be able to participate in anyway. (And They were. I'm so glad they can do that, even when I can't. We've all earned all the fun we can find in life.)

Well, I got to the store, and the laundromat. I got all my freezer groceries brought in and put away, successfully playing either tetris or jenga in the freezer.

I even went out and brought the rest of the refrigerator stuff in and some pop. I stock up pop when I go shopping, because for some reason, multi-packs of Diet Pepsi is a rare commodity around Bethel. Especially at sale prices. (If there's a 4/$10 or 3/$9 sale, the store will have two in stock. If I'm lucky. No sale price that way.) 

I still have shelf stuff groceries and more pop in the car to be brought in.

As far as that goes, my clean laundry is still out in the car. After limping around the laundromat, moving clothes from machine to machine, I just didn't have it in me to drag them in.

But I did get them washed. Yay me. 

At the laundromat, I had to go in the bathroom to cry, because suddenly I was punched in the chest by Tammy nowhere. 

It takes my breath away.

I can't comprehend it. 

I am, and she is not. 

Tonight it's too hot to sleep, and I am still -- suffering, if that's even the right word. 

How can something that exists only as an existence have suffering? Why should it?

Now that the words have spilled and spewed out, perhaps now I can succumb to sleep. 

Perhaps I will just exist in darkness, listening to my tv and the sounds my head makes.

If I do that, I will, eventually, sleep.


Anyway, good night for now, and I'll be back, floating through existence as a miasma.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Summer Fun -- or Not.

Well, I was going to take the kids to the laser show at Coney. Had everything set up except buying the ticket and finalizing what vehicle. Wasn't going to take my loud easy bake oven if I didn't have to.
The show was/is this weekend only. July 8 thru 11.  
Then the weather forecast changed.
From a pleasant (hot and humid ) summer weekend to a rainy stormy one.
Well, this event was being held outdoors. The webpage even said bring a tent if you were worried about rain. Said the rain would enhance the lasers, and I could see that. If it was a nice gentle rain.
Didn't think lightning would enhance very much. And the kids are iffy about storms, especially out of their home territory.
Plus my own problems with driving in darkness, in wetness, and in lightning.
So, I cancelled. Didn't buy the tickets, didn't finalize borrowing a car.
I said, when I told them, that it probably wouldn't storm if we didn't go, but it probably would of we went. I didn't want to take a chance with them along. The weather report for both Saturday and Sunday was late evening (about sundown) storms, possibly severe..
Yeah it didn't rain much (here) on Saturday night.
We must wait and see about Sunday night.
Anybody want to place a bet with me about rain then?

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Descent of Summer

 It's been a strange day today.

I woke up, fully rested and restless, at 6 am. That's usually the time of deepest sleep for me. Washed dishes, changed garbage bags, carried garbage out, pulled some weeds in flower beds. Then I sat on my porch for a while, watching and listening to the birds and bugs (and the cars and children across the street at the day care) and breathing in the lightening scent of the new day. Smells like good clean growth.

I seem to have something in my eyes, although I've rinsed and washed and flushed it out. Time for the allergy pills, I guess. Kind of tired of my eyes crying without the essential me involved in the act!

Did take a couple-hour nap about noon to two, then here I am, headache, yawns, crying eyes and all. Watching tv, working puzzles, reading, and writing, among other things. 

The big H is back. On the weather maps, that is. The big H for heat, humidity, and headache. Ha Ha. 

In other words: Summertime. "Roll out the barrel" and all that fun stuff.  Commercials for Memorial Day "buy a bed" sales. Couches and recliners will be next. Maybe cars, but they may wait until Flag Day or the 4th of July for that. 

It does bother me that most of our patriotic observances are devoted commercially to selling the big ticket personal items. I've written about that before, and most likely will again. 

The air conditioner is on, and running constantly. It's not set that low. 

Last week we were having frost advisories. 

Summer has descended upon us, like a plague of --


Because, yes, that's happening, too.

Welcome to my weather.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Sending Information

 Does any business or agency still do this? Do they know, understand, comprehend what "sending" means? 

Can I trust info from those who don't even know what they are saying?

While I prefer paperwork that I can spread out and look at, I'm not opposed to email being "sent." After all, that type of info can be printed off , if needed, or copied down. 

One does not send a phone call.

That is not sending.

The card you originally sent me in the mail said that you would send me more information.

And you called me.

(I did not answer. You left a voice mail for me to call you back. "NO.")


There are many people who do not want and cannot handle phone calls to do business. The deaf, for instance. Those who suffer from dyscalculia need to go over numbers, and over numbers, and over the numbers again to be sure of understanding them. (Maybe.)

There are those who simply learn better from the written word.

There are those who forget facts unless they have seen or heard them several times in several ways.

In my opinion, if you call you are trying to put something over someone.

Pressure sales.

Fool the 'customer'.


If you want my business, do not say you will send information and then demand to do business over the phone. 

I don't.

I won't. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

May Flowers.

 I have been planting.

First I had to weed and turn over dirt and add to it, before I could plant, and then I started small. A few of these here, a couple of those there. The first flowers were gifts. Then I bought some. And after I had thoroughly disturbed and roiled the dirt, I tossed in some seeds that I've had in a drawer.

Monday, after a family meal with two sisters and a cousin, I bought way way too many more flowers. The colors were so bright and cheerful. I couldn't resist. I bought enough to share, and some intentionally to share. Spread fresh dirt over it all.

After Monday, of course life got thoroughly in the way. Rain, and then my arthritic knee started jabbing me if I moved. It's not nice having to hobble around my one room on my stick, but at least I didn't have to resort to the more bulky and awkward walker. 

Finally the rain stopped. Leftover April showers, I suppose, since Nature doesn't go by man's calendar. 

Even better, the sun came out.

Today I went out  and planted most of my huge haul of pretties. Those lovely reds, the lemon yellows, blushing orange. pretty pastels, all jumbled up into eye-catching glory.

If I do say so myself. Haha.

I have ten plants left to go into the ground, and that's going to be tough. I havem't quite figured how to do them yet. The ones I planted today I planted in a raised bed. These others have to go in the ground,

Getting to the ground with my complaining knee may be a problem. Or maybe just getting up will be that problem. None of my knee braces are helpful for this issue.

I do, however, have friends, and one is going to loan me some long handled tools to at least do the digging with. And if I dig deep enough, I can drop the plants and bend over to place them, instead of get right down there.

BONUS: The landlord really, really liked what I have done.

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