Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Turn: Campaign 2012

At least I waited until it actually has been 2012 for a little while. Damn politicians and the media -- especially the media -- started back in August with the budget hang-up. Which, of course, was the other guy's fault. The other party's fault.

Thank goodness there's no need for a Democrat circus. That would detract sooo much from the Republican's parties. And we, the Great American Public, would have to find other things to worry about, like how to pay the doctors and where to find a job.

The Republican primaries have pretty much amused me. So far, the first one, New Hampshire, has been my favorite. Everyone was voting for Romney.

"Why?" the after-vote pollsters asked. "Is it his politics? His policies? His platform? His personality? His looks?"

"No," the Republican voters answered. "We just voted for him because we think he can beat Obama."

I'm still wondering what he's supposed to beat Obama with.

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