Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New year, new day, new blah blah

The truth is, every day is a new year from 365 days ago (or 366, next year.) Every new day is an opportunity for a new life. And most days, this new start is wasted.

It's not really anyone's fault. Try as we might to start a new life, a new attitude, the old life hangs on. We are tangled up with our pasts, and they hold and are unwilling to let go.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. There are things in our pasts we'd like to hold onto. Maybe even go back to. So in a way, it's only fair that even though we can't hold therm, they can, and do, hold us.

I hope this year will be better, for all of us. Too many people I know have had bad times this last year.
Most of them have had good friends  to help them get through.
If they had no past, they would not have had those friends.

So, as we vow our new beginnings, it's not enough to turn our backs to our past. We need to let our pasts 'have our back'.

Tomorrow started yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. As I learned the hard way (after having a stroke (TIA) in Aug '10), don't worry about things you cannot control. Don't play the "what if" game. Accept what is now, and don't let the past eat at you. Control what you can and enjoy the fact that YOU have control.
