Friday, January 13, 2012

Weighing in

There are weight loss doctors everywhere, or so you'd think. You can't turn on the tv, listen to the radio, surf the net without seeing or hearing them in every media. Obesity (which is a condition not a disease) has been declared an epidemic.

I recently went to a doctor, because I have gained weight all out of proportion to my lifestyle changes, my activity levels, and my food intake. Imagine being told that I need to lose weight, be more active, and eat less. DUH! I tried all that; it wasn't working. That's why I'm here, doc.

Disgusted, I came home and tried doing a little research. There are huge hospitals in Cincinnati. There are research places all over the map. There are clinics and other organizations.

The first thing any of them want to know is the name of your insurance carrier and how long you've had the policy.

The next thing they do is try to sell you on their one specialty. For weight loss, the specialty of choice seems to be some form of bariatric surgery. Don't want surgery? Sorry, they can't (won't) help you.
Or you could buy magic weight loss pills, powders, or products. Take eight or ten or twelve overpriced doses three or four times a day, and you're guaranteed to lose weight on their program.

Probably because you have no money left to buy groceries.

Weight loss programs like weight watchers or nutrisystems aren't much help either. If you can scrape together the membership fees, they rely heavily on their own foods, which, as members you can buy at special prices.

If you're not losing weight, it's your fault. Whether it's because of no surgery, no special powders, or no especially pre-packaged foods, it's your fault.
Even if you are doing everything right, but still are not losing weight, it's your fault.
You are a fat lazy cow who only sits and eats and you don't try to help yourself. You are fat, so it must be your fault.
 Everyone in the medical profession knows it, and every one of them will tell you so, although not  always in so many words.
They make sure you know it, though.

Maybe I should just see a vet.

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