Tuesday, March 15, 2011

whose time is it anyway?

It's that time of year again. Time to change the clocks from standard time, to savings time. We know have eight months of savings time, and four of standard, so I'm wondering how the time setters define "standard".

It used to be that time changed the first weekend in April and the first weekend in October. Then they made it the last weekend in October. Now, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the dates selected, and that makes it more difficult than it needs to be.

I don't question that they can do this. Clocks are man made, and standard or savings time, the time zones and titles were man made, and even originally created by big business. So it's certainly within their province to manipulate the o'clocks to their benefit in any way they wish.

I do wish they'd do so within understanding of the common man, and that the language would reflect the changes they are making. (See above reference to standard.)

What they call any time really doesn't matter. The sun rises according to its schedule, whatever o'clock Big Chief CEO calls it. The birds migrate, the frogs croak, the cows need milked. According to time, not the clock.

Let's all remember that time is not about clocks or calendars. Time is an entity in itself, and let us flow with it. Because we have no choice, yes, but also because it is and we are.

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